Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Girls Room--the Big Reveal!

The look I had been waiting for all summer!

Finally, after months of the girls room looking like a bomb hit it, the girls have their new room. The looks on their faces made all that hard work worth it! Let's look at some before and after pics, shall we?

"Before": an outdated, tired out looking room with marked up walls and a busted door.

With worn and outdated wallpaper--until I tore it down which made it look worse. And the girls begged for a nicer room which they could invite their friends over for playdates and not feel embarrassed until I couldn't stand the guilt any longer.

So I went with what they asked for and gave them a purple room--and it turned out great!

Lavender walls with an accent purple wall (the original purples that the girls chose), with Lucy's requested blue accents...

A blue chalkboard for reminder messages and huge flowers, just for fun...

A better look at the accent wall. Do you see Anna hiding behind the curtains? I tried to do a lot of white accents to balance out the purple!

Lucy saying, "I have my very own mirror!!"

Looking at the shells that I bought (only $2 at Walmart!)

The girls loved the glass animal figurines! I bought an elephant, a swan (which Anna is holding) a dolphin and a dog. I was worried (and still am) that they might get broken but so far, the girls seem happy enough to admire them on the shelves.

The glass dog is actually a prism, so when the light hits it just right, there will be rainbows all over the room.

The girls were thrilled with their room. When all was said and done, I laid down to take a rest. I had been staging and cleaning their room all day while they were at school and hadn't realized how tired I was. Five days of painting and planning while trying to keep four kids patient enough to sleep in one room together while they're waiting is hard work.

But you see that smile? It made it all worth it.

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