Eye catching title, right?? I did that on purpose, ha.
So I just learned about the Italy bridge collapsing. (Yes, just now, I know. I am not really into the news right now because it is so depressing with the Church scandals.) And what struck me other than the horror of the collapse and so many people dead, were the words that an Italian man kept saying as he recorded the collapse: "Dio Mio!" which means, "Oh my God". I thought to myself that even in other parts of the world, in different languages, people are always saying His Name. I guess I always knew this but hearing it (the newscaster kept pointing out that he was saying "Oh my God") made me really see it.
"God" is the most spoken word in the world. Everyone is saying His name countless times, whether in vain or not (though sadly, I admit that it mostly in vain.) I can't even count how many times in passing I hear someone say "oh my God!"
And yet, so many say that Christianity is dying out. This doesn't make sense to me. How can a so-called "movement" or belief of a God who is supposed to be a figment of our imaginations, constantly be spoken about by so many all over the world?? There is no other "god's name" out there spoken as much as the God we know. No one says "Oh my Buddha!"
I've already said this before in another blog post but as I said, it keeps coming back to me. Aside from the Gospels, miracles and other proofs that we have that God is real---this is what makes me believe more than ever. Everyone says His Name. Even those who don't believe, say His Name. Everyone says His Name!
It's as though we have a tiny seed in each one of us; a fingerprint left behind from God as He created us. As though to remind us that He exists in each one of us. Like He wrote on the wall of our hearts, "God was here." We belong to Him.
I know that it might be argued that because we constantly are hearing the Oh my God phrase so many times a day that this might be why people say it and why it has spread literally across the world. But this explanation doesn't make sense either. It had to start from somewhere. And it started with His Name. Why God's name?? Why Him, from so many that either hate Him or just ignore Him? In moments of casualness and moments of tragedy, we always say His name.
So aside from all those wonderful miracles (and I'm glad we have them), this is all I really need as proof of the existence of God. Hearing His name spoken so many times from everyone is difficult to hear sometimes (I try to make up for it by saying, "Praise be the Name of Jesus Christ!") but I can't help thinking to myself, "You see?? You do need Him! Somewhere deep inside, there is a place in you that knows you need Him. You say His Name over and over, whether in casual in conversation or not. You do need Him--you just don't know it yet."
"....that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, in heaven and under the earth..."
(Philippians 2:10)
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