Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The dreaded mosquitoes

So even though it's a warm and sunny day out, we are inside for the most part, because of all the mosquitoes. Our backyard is like a swamp right now, and it's been raining every other day it seems. With all this rain, the mosquitoes have been hatching, making it impossible to go outside.

I still send the kids out, but only for short periods of time and tons of mosquito spray. Then, as they go out choking and coughing, I send them out with a "Have fun!" and they are back about 5 minutes later with new mosquito bites on their faces.

Poor Anna has 17 on her arm, and Henry has 6 on his face alone, along with about five more along his neckline.

All the kids are full of itchy lumps. Yes, I feel bad for them. You know you've got a mosquito problem when you have to spray your kids down before bed because of all the mosquitoes in the house.

Good news is that Dennis went to Fleet Farm and got a bunch of mosquito spray killer for the lawn. That should at least cut the mosquitoes down by half of what they were. In the meantime, it's supposed to rain later today and tomorrow..

On house improvement news, I can't say there is much but I did get our room painted.

After painting our room, I feel so much more comfortable. It's the one room in the house that feels safe. Before it felt like a crack house--not to stereo type, but I don't know how else to describe it.

We got the hole in the wall fixed too. That brings us down to 8 holes yet to fix.

I would eventually like to get a new ceiling fan or light in the room. It's unbalanced, so it's unusable for now. The people that lived here before fixed it by stuffing books under it.

I'm pretty sure those are the directions under there.
I'm also in the middle of painting the foyer. I admit the burgundy brought out the color of the wood nicely, but it's too dark for my taste. This whole house is covered in burgundy and brown.

In this picture, the wall looks pretty white but the color is actually more of a tan. It must be the light from the curtain making it look white. At any rate, the entire room is slowly brightening up.

Later today, someone from Home Depot is coming to measure the living room/hallway/bedrooms to put in our new floor. Ahh, I cannot wait for our new floor! Having him come to measure just makes it that much harder to wait though. In fact, with having to stay inside with the mosquitoes and rain, it makes all these previous hardships harder to endure.

I guess I will just have to focus on painting!

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