Friday, June 20, 2014

The Great Door Project

As we wait for the Home Depot guys to call and schedule a time to put in our new floor, (foot taps impatiently) I will tell you what we have next on our list of things to do: the front door.

This is the indoor view of the door. Pretty, huh? It actually is pretty and you don't see this type of design as often anymore in stores (I know, because I looked!) I'm guessing that back in the day--or a few years ago, who knows--it was a pretty expensive door. Too bad they didn't put a storm door on it, because....

...this is the other side to the door. And if you think--like so many people have--that all the door needs is a good sanding, take a closer look:

It's literally peeling off in big chunks. Every time it rains, I find strips of wood on the ground.

I suppose it could be sanded down by someone, but we aren't the people for this job. Not when there are so many other jobs that have to be done. The "great door project" is definitely a project that will take someone a good deal of time and patience to get this sanded down and re-varnished. Unfortunately, this entire house is a project and so we are taking the easy way out. We are getting a new door.

So since we have maxed out our Home Depot card with the floor, we have to save up the old fashioned way for the door. We're putting money aside every couple weeks for a new door that we picked out. It's $500 but it's a really nice one. Not too fancy and not too basic. This house could use a little glamour on the outside but not too fancy or it will look out of place. It's also made out of fiber glass and is storm resistant, so we don't even need a storm door. We'll probably get one anyway, just so we can have the door open but not with bugs coming in.

So far, we have $100 put aside. Four hundred more to go. Sigh..

In the meantime, dreaming of our new floor with no "needles" (staples) sticking out or splinters to puncture little feet!

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