Friday, November 7, 2014

The Foyer

We finally completed the foyer yesterday--except for the overhead fan that needs to be replaced. And yes, it does need to be replaced! It is nearly as old as the house and all the blades have been taken off so it looks kind of funny. I have something picked out that should go well with our new foyer but as usual it takes $$$.

So going back five months, here is the"foyer" when it was still technically a dining room...

Remember how this house looked when we first moved in? The entire house was full of maroon and brown, giving the house a very dark and depressing look. Where Luke is standing (though he wasn't technically supposed to be in the picture), there was parkay. I think parkay is ok but as long as we were ripping out all the floors, I wanted to go with something more up to date.

And last of all, this room was used as a dining room. That was how the house was built. But I didn't like the idea of walking straight into a dining room and most likely, into a dining room table. I also didn't like the idea of it being right next to the living room, where food most likely would be thrown onto the carpet. My kids are not the neatest eaters.

So we decided to use it as a foyer instead, and after many months of financial ups and downs, we got the floor replaced, the walls painted, the coat rack in and just recently, the bench to sit down to take off your shoes. It is exactly as I had envisioned it and it's so neat to see it sitting before my eyes.

It is the first room technically to be completed. The living room is pretty much done, but I have a few more things to add to it to fill up the empty spaces.
I saw this picture recently that I had taken at our old house. I had taken it of Lucy at the time, but she happens to be standing in our entryway. Seeing it now and how small it was makes me wonder how we ever lived with such a tiny entry way for so long!
We still have ongoing projects that we're working on like the bathroom and the kitchen, but the dining room is going to be our next big project. I hopefully will start painting next week!
Love renovations, they are so fun!

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