Saturday, July 29, 2017

She did it!

After listening for about a month to Lucy go back and forth on whether or not she should get her ears pierced, I'm happy to say, she finally did it! Whew! These little milestones of growing up, fitting in, are so exhausting! I believe that I was more nervous than she was!

I had a hard time with this one. It seems like the kids are just growing up so fast. These past few years especially. Max has hit puberty and suddenly he's not longer a little kid but a TEENAGER. His voice has changed, and no, it's not British, like he was hoping.

Lucy is suddenly talking about ipods and shopping, browsing the clothes section instead of the toys. It hurts, it really does. Puts a pang in your chest.

I'm comforted by the fact that despite her growing so quickly, Lucy still wanted me to hold her hand during her piercing. (That sounds terrible.)

Well, it was either hold my hand or hold onto her stuffed pillow dog. When Luke said, "You're bringing that to the store??" I shot him a look full of daggers. Her grandpa already finished off her doll phase after saying she was getting to be too old for dolls; and I didn't want Luke embarrassing her about bringing her stuffed animal and finishing off that phase of her life too.

She chose to hold onto her stuffed dog plus my hands. I was so proud of her for going through with it. Not because I want her to wear earrings, but because it was something she really wanted to do. And she pushed herself to overcome a fear without any pushing from me.

It's funny how you can happy and sad that your kid is growing up at the same time.

Here she is before getting her ears pierced. Look how nervous she looks!

And now after.

So proud and happy and sad all at the same time.

My kids are growing up too fast. Please God, distract me with some dog training!

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