Sunday, November 5, 2017

The possibility of becoming a Saint

A request from my brother Jerry,  to write more articles for Peanut Butter and Grace to bring up more sales for my Little Flower book. And so I write this following article as a rough draft for the website: 

Photo credit: Franciscan media

Is it possible to become a Saint? I asked my kids this question this morning.

 The thought of the possibility to become a Saint is staggering to me--about as possible as becoming Wonder Woman or Super Girl. A list of imperfections start running through my head, along with a sense of shame. Shame that I would consider that I could ever be that good and holy.  And yet, I believe it. Yes, I believe it is very possible for me to become a Saint. Not because I have the "credentials" but because I know God loves me.

And here is how it all started with the kids this morning.

I asked them to rate themselves from 0-10 about whether they thought it was possible to become a Saint. (Note: not the same as asking them if they think they could become a Saint, which leads them to judge themselves as worthy of that title--but about the possibility.)

Five year old Henry rated himself a 10.  Yay, Henry!

Max (13) rated himself a 5. Not bad.

Lucy (11) rated herself a 6. Even better.

Luke (10) rated himself a 3. Not great, but I'm glad he was honest.

And Anna (8) rated herself a 5.

I told the kids what I rated myself: 10. Their eyes nearly popped out of their heads.
A ten?? Wasn't that a little presumptuous??  Did I really consider myself that worthy to become a Saint?

Not worthy.  If I judged myself on my worthiness of becoming a Saint, I would give myself a 0, as everyone would. No one is worthy. That is why the Saints are gifts to us--they were not worthy either, but because of their great love of God, He made it possible. Is it possible to become a Saint? Yes, very much so. Because all things are possible with God. Does God desire us to become Saints?? Yes, of course He does! And so, it must be possible.

If we could just get off the bandwagon about worthiness, more people would try for sainthood. It is because I am unworthy that He loves me so. I am like that fish (what's it called?) that people buy to keep the fish tank clean. I'm not even part of the school of fish, haven't even made it there. Just there to keep the fish tank clean. Yet, He loves me anyway.

I watched the kids as they took all this in. They seemed to be contemplating not the odds, but the possibility, that they could become saints. Yes, they all seemed to agree, it could be possible they could become saints. And yet, it seems so impossible to us. We are so filled with ourselves that we forget what God can do with impossible people.

(It was also discussed that I was not talking about becoming canonized saints, as God can only make that decision, but simply souls who love God so much that they go straight to heaven.)

Now that the kids realized that their possibility of becoming a Saint was a 10--despite their faults and short-comings, my next question was: how do we become saints??

By being faithful, was one answer. By having lots of faith, was another. By love! Someone shouted and they all agreed. By loving God, they all said, seeming confident in their answer.

Even deeper, I told them. They looked at each other in confusion. What could be deeper than loving God?

How does that love start? Where does it come from? How do we fall in love with God? It must start somewhere.

It was much like the chicken and the egg question. Which comes first? Who loves first? What inspires us to love?

The kids all got it at the same time. By God loving us! They shouted.

Isn't that wonderful? I was so glad they found the answer. Normally I don't like my kids shouting, especially in the dining room (it echos) but I was glad they shouted the answer with enthusiasm.  How simple. We become Saints by accepting that God loves us.

What does Fr.Gregory always say in his sermons? I asked them.

Jesus loves you! They shouted again.

Why does he always say that??

Because then we can become saints! They shouted again.

And realizing how much God loves us only causes us to fall in love with Him. And once we fall in love, we are willing to do anything for Him. Love our neighbor, love our enemy. Do the dishes. Clean the floors. Put away the laundry. Limit our computer time. Avoid sin. Use the sacraments often. And most of all, love Him to the best of our ability.

Is it possible to become saints? I asked them again.

Yes! They shouted (this was getting ear-numbing.)


Because God wants us to become saints, because He loves us!

And that, is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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