Saturday, April 16, 2016

Another DIY project: the bench

We finally found some faucets for the bathtub. That is for another post though.

In the meantime, I found another project to do: Converting this old coffee table into a bench.

As ugly as this thing might look now, at one time it used to be quite pretty. It was my very first piece of furniture ever, so it has sentimental value to me. Me and my mom went furniture shopping for my first apartment, and this is what I picked. I loved it then and still love it now. It's made of real wood and in fairly good condition. It just needs a little bit of love and a big sanding down.

Over the years, it's been used--a lot. It's been used as a coffee table, then a snack table, project table. The kids have colored on it, gotten paint on it, play-dough and food. It's pretty disgusting and we have talked about getting rid of it but I just can't get myself to do it.

But then with the dining room chair project, it occurred to me that we could convert this old coffee table into a bench! For a long time now, Dennis and I have both wanted a bench for the dining room table rather than chairs (it seems to be the "in" thing too, I've noticed.)

I didn't go into elaborate plans with the coffee table; the biggest thing was sanding it down. And of course, painting it. I know I keep saying this, but it's amazing to me how a simple coat of paint just makes everything look new again.

So I lost two ugly chairs and gained a beautiful bench. :-)

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