Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas gift ideas for the impossible people to shop for

Cozy blankets, slippers, or pajamas

During the year, I do not do much shopping for pajamas since the kids need clothes more, so I buy them for their Christmas Eve presents. The kids love pajamas! Henry in particular, has always loved anything cozy. He has even asked for a cozy rug for his birthday to keep by his bed so his feet hit something soft when he gets out of bed! So for Henry, I am buying him his own cozy blanket. He also asked for a bean bag, which I am considering (they are usually $30 which I think is too much for a beanbag.)

Share a present

I'm doing this thing where I give a gift card to "share" with someone else. For instance, I'm giving Lucy a gift card to Caribou where she can use it to buy hot chocolate for herself and a friend.

High quality...something

This is the time of year when I might buy someone something they already have but of better quality. For instance, during the summer, we don't bother with shoes since the kids are always going barefoot anyway. When school starts, everyone needs new shoes, so they get regular $20 shoes at Target. But at Christmas, I might upgrade to the shoes they really wanted--which usually is more than $20. 

I do this with tools as well. I know nothing about tools and I think Dennis has all the tools he needs. I can't afford to buy him the real expensive stuff, so I might just upgrade one of his tools. For instance, for his birthday, I just bought him a light that also works as a magnet, bright light and hazard lights (supposed to be used for changing tires at night so you don't get hit by a car.) Who knew one little light could do so much?

And for Lucy, she loves ice skating and has been bugging me to get her "real" ice skating pants--the professional stuff. Normally she just goes in sweat pants or leggings. But this year, I bought her the pants she really has been wanting and considering the good quality, they weren't that expensive (only $45!) 

One item from the wishlist

For the kids, I usually will buy one item that has been on their wishlist forever---technology not included. I just can't afford things like cell phones and ipods--plus, they already have so much of that stuff at school.

But I will get them that one expensive Lego kit they have always been wanting. (Luke) Or a stereo with a favorite CD. (This would be Max.) 


This is for the person who says they "never want anything". This is my mom. She has been saying this for years. One time I actually took this seriously and didn't get her anything. That doesn't work so well either, because then they think you just forgot.

One thing even the "never want anything person" needs is food! Yes, I am giving in and getting my mom the Mason jar food. You know, the "make your own cookies" or "make your own brownies" mason jar. But my mom can't eat chocolate, so I might do the "make your own salad" mason jar.
She is a tough one to buy for, my mom.


Usually it is my mom that buys us tickets to the Science Museum, or her favorite--the History Museum. She has been dragging me to museums since I was a kid and now she's doing it to my kids. (But the kids love it.)

She used to love going to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater with my dad but now that he's gone, she doesn't go anymore. I have been thinking of doing the "share a present" idea for both Lucy, Anna and my mom to go to a show together. This is a little pricey, but it the show doesn't start until March, so we have a little time.  

How fun would that be?!

And so goes my Christmas shopping. I'm not done shopping yet, as I still have Anna and Henry to buy for, but little kids are easy, thank goodness. The biggest thing is to not let the stress ruin my Advent, and so far, it isn't. After all, it's Jesus's birthday, not ours! 

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