Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tiling the last wall

Once the bathroom door is hung, I consider this bathroom project pretty much complete. Although, there will be some finishing touches, like shower doors for the tub and new faucets. (Henry accidentally broke the last ones.)

But before the door can be hung, the last wall needs to tiled. I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

(A day later)

So now we are grouting. Grouting always looks like you're ruining everything you've just done. (As Anna put it to Dennis: "Why are you making a mess out of everything??")

And if you aren't quick enough with wiping the grout off, it's a permanent smudge on your tile.

(Next day)

Finally finished! The tiling is finally done! No more tile! Can you tell that I'm glad this part is finally over?

Tiled, grouted--done!

In addition to the wall, Dennis put the door back on. In the same day! Yes, that was an unexpected surprise and a treat!

He doesn't want me getting him in the picture which it is always "hand shots" .

The doorknob is on it's way (I ordered one off of Amazon -- not sure if the link will work or not, since it was in my Amazon account) but as I said before, the door gives us more privacy that what we had before.

The bathroom is nearly done. It feels good to have an (almost) finished room. But we still need tub fixtures for the tub. As I said, Henry broke the faucet but we were planning to get new ones anyway.

So, tub fixtures are next.

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