Sunday, September 10, 2017

Last ones to start

The kids (finally) start school tomorrow. They are the last school to start, as most schools have started either last week or the week before. The kids are ready but they are nervous.

If you can remember, can you say a prayer for the kids tomorrow? Each one of them will be "the new kid." That is a lot of stress on a mom's heart. And then you've got the empty nest, not ready for this! I will go home from dropping the kids off and the house will be quiet and empty. I know that sounds like a dream to most people, and maybe in time I will appreciate it but for now, it makes me sad.

And pray for Luke. He is so nervous. His tic has come back and is nearly constant again. We have been expecting this but still, it's hard to hear. He keeps saying he's "worried" or nervous. I wish I could calm his fears but I can't.

Actually, I have found a way. The other day when I was at adoration, a woman gave me a little pamphlet about calling on the name of Mary. And so we have been calling her name all day. I've tried to encourage the kids to adopt this practice and make it into a's said that the very name of Mary chases demons away.

Luke asked me what Mary has no idea which "Mary" he's calling on. :-)  I told him that just like a kid shouts his mother's name in a crowd of people, and half of those people turn their head (because many are mothers as well), only one mother recognizes the voice of her child. I take comfort in this in Mary's role with us. I told Luke: you are her child and so she responds immediately.

So we will continue to call on the name of Mary and you can please also call on her too, for Luke and all the kids. They are all a little nervous--excited too--but nervous. Let it be an easy year for once. No drama, no regression, no sicknesses.

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