Friday, March 15, 2019

Wintertime Doggy Drop off

Something new that I've incorporated into my dog training is a Wintertime Drop off for dogs. Every Thursday (from now until April 15th), I've invited people to get a break from their dogs and get them out of the house one a week for just $10 a session. There are five weeks of this so they can either pay in full $50 or just pay session by session. I've limited it up to five dogs only so I don't go TOO crazy and people must reserve their spot. We had our first session just yesterday (see previous post, lol) and it went great! It was a bit exhausting, but mostly because one of the dogs that are boarding with us is a non-stop barker when he's in the kennel, which can be exhausting to listen to.

Anyway, so far it's going well and people seem to really like the idea, plus take their dogs home all worn out, which means less behaviors from their dogs. And I'm making a little money on the side, which makes Dennis happy too. It's a win-win for everyone.

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